Presents for Sound People
Headphones AudioTechnica ATHM40x: These are great quality for the price. Over ear headphones that have a very clear sound for mixing. $99 Sony MDR7506: These are a long time standard in the sound world. They […]
Headphones AudioTechnica ATHM40x: These are great quality for the price. Over ear headphones that have a very clear sound for mixing. $99 Sony MDR7506: These are a long time standard in the sound world. They […]
Adobe Portfolio will be used for showcasing the best photos from each event. It will be updated with new photos as they get reviewed. Individual galleries showcasing all photos can be found through the Lightroom […]
Travel Classes These are courses that help students connect to the profession and peers outside of Michigan Tech. Students in SFET, SFAT, and SFSD must take: — Experiences Mostly Covered By Course Fee — These […]
We find that students who have their own equipment spend more time investing in their education and explore a greater number of creative avenues. Because of that we are dedicating resources to equip students early […]
Most Important Information: The Registrar has all of the forms and official degree information you need to graduate. In particular the following pages are very useful: General Education Degree Audits Course Descriptions Transfer Services Study […]
Resources: Professional Organizations: Audio Engineering Society (AES) United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA) CEDIA Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association (TSDCA) Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Additional Training/Certifications: Synergistic […]
Sound Portfolio Website References (updated Jan 2024): – MTU Sound Alum – check out the portfolio video, it is awesome From 2016 portfolio class: Henry […]
To view a comprehensive list of microphones, visit our Airtable link. The Airtable includes specifications and further information about all of the microphones we have available. Below is a sample of the microphones we have […]
General guidlines: You can schedule meetings with faculty, students and staff via google calendars as well as reserve rooms for those meetings. Some guidelines: Some Faculty like an e-mail in advance of the google invite […]
Michigan Technological University