Modded Oktava mk 012:
The modded Oktava mk 012 is a small diaphragm condenser microphone with various caps of different polar patterns. The cardioid cap was used in these recordings. Also included in the case are omni and hypercardioid caps. There are multiple of these microphones in the department. Some are kept in Rozsa Storage, and some are kept in Studio Storage.
Technical Data Sheet:
Acoustic guitar:
Mic was placed at the 12th fret of a Martin acoustic guitar, pointed in the direction of the sound hole.
Five gobos were placed behind the microphone to avoid reflections from the room.
Photo (EV mic was used as a placeholder for the Oktava because it was being used at the time of the photo):
Mic was placed 6-8 ft in front of the drum set, on axis with the top of the kick drum.
Five gobos were placed behind the microphone to avoid reflections from the room.
Photo (EV mic was used as a placeholder for the Oktava because it was being used at the time of the photo):
Upright Piano:
Mic was placed over the performers left shoulder, pointed towards the strings with the front taken of of the piano and the top open. Mic was aimed at the middle of the piano.
Five gobos with the diffuse side were placed behind the mic.
Photo (EV mic was used as a placeholder for the Oktava because it was being used at the time of the photo):
Bang and Olufsen Male Anechoic Voice from acoustic test CD:
Rotated microphone:
File recorded with the 4003 was played throught the right Genelec in Rozsa 215.
Mic was pointed on axis with the driver, six inches away. The mic was then slowly rotated 360º to analyze the polar pattern of the microphone.
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